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One of the Deadliest Weekends for Vehicular Travel Is Here
This weekend is shaping up to be one of the biggest vehicle travel weekends we’ve ever seen. Baldwin County reports projected number of visitors this weekend may set records. The volume is especially high as we come off a stay-at-home-order in Alabama. As one of the first gulf coast communities to allow short term rentals, Alabama is seeing a surge in out of state vehicular travel. Residents of the Gulf Coast are reporting dense traffic on roadways, with travelers from all over the country. Needless...
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Where is the Insurance?
One of the first questions I get from jurors after a car wreck trial - and sometimes during the trial- is, “Why didn’t y’all tell us about the defendant’s car insurance?” And it is a good question, but the simple answer is, I can’t. Alabama Law makes it against the rules to mention liability insurance in a trial. Why is it against the rules? Alabama Rules of Evidence - 411. Liability insurance. Evidence that a person was or was not insured against liability is not...
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3 Types of Distracted Driving and How They Affect You
The term “distracted driving” can apply to any situation in which a driver is not paying enough attention to the road while driving. While this may seem straightforward, many American drivers may engage in distracting actions while on the road without realizing it. Most people typically assume “distractions” are visual elements, but there are actually three different types of distracted driving, and each can be incredibly dangerous. The Three Types of Distraction Drivers need to focus on the primary task at hand on the road:...
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Distracted Driving vs. DUI – What’s Worse?
Americans are aware of the dangers of drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, but it’s vital to understand the dangers of distracted driving as well. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of deaths caused by DUI has decreased in recent years as the number of distracted driving deaths has increased. Lawmakers have taken steps to curb the number of distracted driving-related accidents and deaths. It’s crucial that American drivers understand the risks of distracted driving...
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Distracted Driving Laws in Alabama
Alabama law enforcement officers have tracked a notable increase in traffic fatalities in recent years, and evidence from these crashes indicates distracted driving is the most likely culprit. Driving while distracted is incredibly dangerous for several reasons, and new laws in Alabama aim to reduce the number of fatalities caused by distracted driving. What is Distracted Driving? “Distracted driving” may sound like a simple enough concept, but it’s important to recognize that many drivers engage in certain dangerous actions behind the wheel without realizing it....
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Truck Crash Facts
Ten Year Data [wpdatachart id=2] Primary Cause of All Crashes with Truck Involvement [wpdatatable id=3] Total for All Crashes With Truck Involvement [wpdatachart id=3]
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Crash Facts
Crashes and Fatalities by Time of Day Distribution of 2015 Alabama Totals [wpdatatable id=1] [wpdatachart id=1]
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Determining Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Alabama
Every year, thousands of people lose their lives in preventable accidents that occur as the direct result of someone else’s negligent or reckless actions. In these cases, a wrongful death lawsuit may provide financial relief. Wrongful death suits can bring closure to a grieving family. They cannot put a wrongdoer behind bars, but they can exact another form of justice – punitive damages. In Alabama, surviving family members may receive compensation as a way to punish the person or persons responsible for a loved one’s...
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Comparing Alabama and National Car Wreck Statistics
Alabama has one of the highest crash fatality rates in the country – without context, you might think Alabama residents are inherently dangerous drivers. The truth is much more complex. While overall fatality statistics reveal the dangers of driving in Alabama, several factors speak to more than recklessness and negligence behind the wheel. We’ve compiled some of the latest data on Alabama and national car wrecks to illustrate some common trends and risk factors in accidents. Alabama and National Car Accident Statistics Consider some of...
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